16 Week Personalized Training Plan


16 week individual, completely personalized training plan for your next race! Want a personal training plan, but feel like you don’t need the communication part? Then this is the plan for you!

When purchasing this plan you’ll be prompted to fill out a form with questions to help me create a plan specifically to accomplish your goal. I’ll spend the next 1-2 weeks creating a plan for you and then send you an e-mail with your 16 week training plan PDF!


Personalized plan specifically for you. You’ll get a PDF with an individualized training plan designed only for you. There are no duplicates with this; it’s tailor specifically to you to maximize your strengths and work on the weaknesses!

Duration. It’s a 16 week plan.

Communication. This training plan doesn’t include zoom calls or Final Surge messaging. The goal of this option was to lower the cost so more people can afford it, so it’s lower on communication, but is the biggest bang for your buck from a training perspective! You can always purchase a 30 minute call if you want to add that service on during the training block!

Cost. A $325 1 time fee.

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